WOMENS DAY TAKEOVER - group action

In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8th, we are participating in an action to support women photographers, who continue to face a great deal of inequality in our fields.

We are asking men to reach out to female photographers and let them take over their Instagram feed for that day.


Every year, we are seeing male photographers using this day as self-promotion by posting their own pictures of women. This year, we would like a change. We are not asking men to post photographs by women, but to give them control of their IG accounts and to give female artists more space to express themselves.

Of course, due to security and privacy, every posts, stories and captions should be prepared ahead of time and posted by the account owner.


Original concept and cover picture by Jordanna Kalman @rabbitsparrow
She also prepared a sample letter in case you need an idea of what to say when reaching out to someone, as well as an example of captions to use on the day of the action.

Documents are available on this link

© Jordanna Kalman
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