"Here, in the town my mother grew up and my grandmother grows old, the everyday is transmogrified through the strange parallelism of a life that has only ever partly been mine."

Artist: Teva Cosic
Project: Wander Lines

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"Drawing on personal and cultural narratives around family, history, tradition, and mythology the work plays on the epistemological and ontological uncertainty of the image as a way of generating novel gestures that hint at these tensions between the familiar and the unknown. The attempt to construct meaning through abscence, building upon the ever-stretching gossamers of memory that cling clumsily to the people and places we call home. Made during a 6-week period Cosic visited her grandmother in Sweden for the first time in 5 years, Wander Lines explores the uncanny encounter of the familiar as it has been made strange through the separation of time."



© Teva Cosic

Editor : Noemi Carrara

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