"So who am I? The fragile victim or the cruel executioner? And who are you? My unfortunate victim or my fierce enforcer? Or are we nothing anymore?"
Artist: Matilde Gusmeroli
"I am afraid of being alone, of being abandoned, of not being able to really love and not being loved as I see people come in and out of my life, without having control. I'm afraid that I like to suffer or I like to make people suffer. So who am I? The fragile victim or the cruel executioner? And who are you? My unfortunate victim or my fierce enforcer? Or are we nothing anymore?
La volpe e il sipario (The fox and the curtain) shows a sick and obsessive way of experiencing sex and human relationships, an inexplicable pursuit of suffering in an asymmetrical power dynamic that leads to transfiguring reality, turning it into a deformed and confused mass."
© Matilde Gusmeroli