FORAGE - Francois Jonquet

I met my partner thirty seven years ago in the high-school of our neighborhood. We became lovers two years later and since the very beginning we talked about having children.

Our first son will be born twelve years later. During this gap a lot happened to our love story.

Artist: Francois Jonquet
Project: Forage
Book published by Void

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After his birth i went back to my camera like other dad, I wanted to capture my new life as a father, as someone who, not without apprehension, was starting a family.

One brother and one sister soon arrived.

I have a very accurate memory of Travis walking along the railway tracks in the opening of Wim Wenders’ film Paris-Texas. I feel the same, getting lost in my thoughts, looking for a way to face my inner emotions.

Very quickly taking photographs became my life through all its aspects

Forage is about this Archipelagos of five islands, their common journey and how all this has profoundly changed me.

I end up thinking that all these images are a portrait of myself.

© Francois Jonquet

curator & editor : Ecaterina Rusu

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