EAST FROM WHERE - Studio Hanniball

Marysia Myanovska „Oh, brother, where art thou?”

Through 11 photographic positions, the group exhibition 'East From Where' deals with the ongoing transitional process of former Iron Curtain and post-Yugoslavian countries. It traces an arc from past to present through personal, documentary and conceptual works.

Artists: Florian Gatzweiler ; Lin Gerkman ; Michel Kekulé ; Sascha Levin ; Marysia Myanovska ; Alexander Mihalkovich ; Monika Orpik ; Tanya Sharapova ; Claude Somot ; Tatsiana Tkachova ; Gerd Waliszewski ; Xiaofu Wang

Curation: Gerd Waliszewski & Xiaofu Wang

Project: East From Where

STUDIO HANNIBALL presents the exhibition 'EAST FROM WHERE'
20th to 27th October at Pappelallee 15, 10437 Berlin. Opening: 6pm on 20th of October.

Tanya Sharapova „Ich habe zu Hause angerufen”

Alexander Mihalkovich „To Become a Man?”

Xiaofu Wang „The Tower”

Florian Gatzweiler & Sascha Levin „Polunytsya”

Gerd Waliszewski „Between The Sirens”

Alexander Mihalkovich „To Become a Man?”

Editor :  Massimiliano Corteselli

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