DORMANT SEASON - Erinn Springer

"Created with her family and strangers, the resulting series depicts the contrasts of the modern midwest where everyday occurrences get caught between past and present."

Artist: Erinn Springer
Project: Dormant Season

Book published by Charcoal Press

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"Erinn Springer returned to rural Wisconsin after the loss of a close family member, hoping to reconnect with her memories of home. Created with her family and strangers, the resulting series depicts the contrasts of the modern midwest where everyday occurrences get caught between past and present. Her portrayals of isolation and connection explore interior and exterior landscapes in a region that is mysterious yet familiar. A portrait of agrarian life, Dormant Season is a tender document of the intergenerational bonds of rural America: a mental space and physical place at the heart of an old dream and at the edge of a transformation. "




© Erinn Springer published by Charcoal Press

Curator / Editor : Ecaterina Rusu 

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