COMPANIONS - Yana Wernicke

© Yana Wernicke 2023 courtesy Loose Joints 


Wernicke draws from the well of German romanticism and modern ethics in a lush series tracking two young women and their entwined relationships with animals.

artist: Yana Wernicke
project: Companions

instagram / website / book

© Yana Wernicke 2023 courtesy Loose Joints 

© Yana Wernicke 2023 courtesy Loose Joints 

In German, Companions, or Weggefährten, is a hybrid word that translates literally as ‘those who walk the path together’.

Through tenderness, touch and intuition, Wernicke’s cam- era follows that path – of joy, emotions, tenderness and play between humans and animals – striving to close the gulf between our emotional consciousness and those of the other animals we live alongside.

© Yana Wernicke 2023 courtesy Loose Joints 

© Yana Wernicke 2023 courtesy Loose Joints 

© Yana Wernicke 2023 courtesy Loose Joints 

John Berger’s landmark Why Look at Animals? describes the ‘species loneliness’ of modern man: how the ancient re- lationships between humans and nature have broken down, reducing the existence of animals to marginalised objects, as commodities, and as Other. Concerned with modern humanity’s yearning for a deeper connection to ecology, Wernicke’s series is a touching portrait of two young women who have established profound relationships with animals. Rosina and Julie each independently save animals from cer- tain death and create bonds of love and trust with animals typically considered solely for their economic value.

© Yana Wernicke 2023 courtesy Loose Joints 

© Yana Wernicke 2023 courtesy Loose Joints 

editor : Ecaterina Rusu

Companions by Yana Wernicke is published by Loose Joints. through to

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