"There are places in which most of us are usually not interested. If you want to get there you need to drive off the main road, you need to look behind the sound walls, slow down and calm down your thoughts."

Artist: Michal Adamski
Project: Close to the ground, far from heaven

Instagram / Website 


"I have traveled across Polish province and has been visiting places, which seemed to be abandoned and empty because everyone left for work: to nearby fields, to a larger town or to work abroad. Life has a different rhythm there and time passes much slower than in the cities. These places come to life only during holidays, harvest time, festivals - when stars from a talent show or “popular” music band come to perform there.."



The mayor bought the paraglider
He said he saw the cosmos
But the truth is,
that he just flew over our village

Łukasz „Lewy” Kalupa



"Close to the ground, far from heaven is a story about people who value peace, tradition and their connection to their place. At the same time they dream to be someone else. They want their life to become more expressive and exciting and contemporary “big world” is shining and tempting them with its colors. I’ve tried to define the concept of homeland as a microcosm. Place which is so important for people who live there. Place which they want to change but at the same time they want to stay connected and keep alive their tradition."



© Michal Adamski

Editor : Ecaterina Rusu 

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